my winter princess.


men små bebisar :'o


pics. Nemo

Little me


Jag hade massa kul att chatta med simsimi. Min nya bästa vän.
Förresten, jag är fucking 20år. K bye.


Jag må älska Ulle, men lyckan och glädjetårarna när Anton gick till final är helt ofattbar.
Jag vill inte ens säga hur många gånger jag röstade, men jag slutade hålla räkningen efter 28. (Herregud)

Nu står mina två älsklings svenskar i finalen, jag är stolt men hur fan ska det gå. Kommer gråta hur som helst. Ugh.

Imorgon blir jag firad av mamma, mormor osv. Längtar tills på måndag då jag får träffa världens finaste vän igen!


This is what I currently tweeting to the people I love who doesn't really know that I'm existing.

Hey Ho

Jag har haft en otroligt gosig Söndag med mina små systrar. Härligt väder och gott humör!
Längtar så sjukt otroligt mycket till nästa Måndag! Dels för att det är lov och jag fyller 20(!!!!) Men det bästa är att jag ska få spendera min dag med min allra bästa vän Sebbe. Vi har inte setts sen 9 November (oh shit that's long ago.)
Igår va ju Mello, sista deltävlingen och min älskade Ullebulle gick direkt till final ♥ Så nästa helg är det Anton's tur för final. Min älskade bästa Anton.

Am I still single?

Hehe. Hehehehe ;) är jag? Hm, jag vet inte? ;) kanske, kanske inte.

Du är världens finaste, i hela vida jävla världen

Update this blog

So, basically nothing much have happened this time, except for Pappa Shelley (YES, GEORGE PERFECT SHELLEYS DAD) follows me, Anton tweeted me, i'm a unicorn and today my teacher dyed my hair more red and cut it a bit. Nothing special really.

I spent my valentines NOT A REAL HOLIDAY day home alone with some popcorn AND NO FUCKING INTERNET. I've never felt so alone, ever. I have Internet for now at least but its only on my phone.

And today I watched TVD. It's the worst episode like ever, nothing fun, nothing beautiful. Only tragic. Little Gilbert died. I think, I hope not.
Anyway, I cried out some heartbreaking feels. Ow. Bye." class="image">" class="image">" class="image">

A better one

Im stuck for this boy.


Swedish dancer, singer and choreographer. Have danced behind Danny - "Amazing" on Melodifestivalen 2012, danced and choreographed Andreas Lundstedt's "Aldrig Aldrig" the same year.
And made choreography to Eric Saade, and danced behind Velvet on Melodifestivalen 2009, when he was 15.
This year he leaved his dancer thingy and coreographed his own number to Melodifestivalen - Begging. He made it to Second Chance. Next time we're many people who will vote for him and make him to the final and win!
Sadly, for me, Ulrik Munther is going to be on Mello too, the last week (in 2 weeks) and I just hope that he wont be standing to Anton, I cant decied who to love the most, its like choosing between Union J and Janoskians, I just can't. (One Direction is and will always be the number one.)
Background dancing..
Don't tell he's not great. Because he is.

Sweden gets better all of sudden.

I voted 8 times, and I've never voted before. Not on Eric Saade or Ulrik Munther.
Anton.Makes.Me.Wanna.Stay.In.Sweden. - cant believe I just wrote that, oh well. I love the cute faces he makes when he sings, it's sweet. And his smile, it kills me inside.

One of the best things with him, he know how to move that body, damn boy! It's only him and Tha Biebs who can make me feel these feelings when they're dancing. and the guitar..

Good night y'all!

This is what my birthday will look like ;)