This is what I currently tweeting to the people I love who doesn't really know that I'm existing.
Hey Ho

Am I still single?
Hehe. Hehehehe ;) är jag? Hm, jag vet inte? ;) kanske, kanske inte.
Du är världens finaste, i hela vida jävla världen
Update this blog
So, basically nothing much have happened this time, except for Pappa Shelley (YES, GEORGE PERFECT SHELLEYS DAD) follows me, Anton tweeted me, i'm a unicorn and today my teacher dyed my hair more red and cut it a bit. Nothing special really.
I spent my valentines NOT A REAL HOLIDAY day home alone with some popcorn AND NO FUCKING INTERNET. I've never felt so alone, ever. I have Internet for now at least but its only on my phone.
And today I watched TVD. It's the worst episode like ever, nothing fun, nothing beautiful. Only tragic. Little Gilbert died. I think, I hope not.
Anyway, I cried out some heartbreaking feels. Ow. Bye.
https://cdn3.cdnme.se/3975027/7-3/pic_511e8dccddf2b3699e10b782.jpg" class="image">
https://cdn2.cdnme.se/3975027/7-3/pic_511e8dcee087c344b9c6bd70.jpg" class="image">
https://cdn3.cdnme.se/3975027/7-3/pic_511e8dd2e087c344c44232e1.jpg" class="image">
A better one
Sweden gets better all of sudden.
I voted 8 times, and I've never voted before. Not on Eric Saade or Ulrik Munther.
Anton.Makes.Me.Wanna.Stay.In.Sweden. - cant believe I just wrote that, oh well. I love the cute faces he makes when he sings, it's sweet. And his smile, it kills me inside.
One of the best things with him, he know how to move that body, damn boy! It's only him and Tha Biebs who can make me feel these feelings when they're dancing. and the guitar..
Good night y'all!
This is what my birthday will look like ;)